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faith bath on friday sending greetings on prophet angels have no gender greeting islamic greeting language of the holy books interpretation of Baqara 165 a'ad jannah social life our beloved prophet did his chores by himself good morals alignment of the heels to straighten the rows private parts love of allah impact of name on man wali pillars of ıslam couples in the hereafter what invalidates itikaf see Quran and western philosophers ilm worshipping others than allah knowledge hadith women in Christianity ısra interrogation hell keeping Quran in the bedroom zakat of plot keep promise dressing code unbeliever death is a part of life shortening the salah the day before eid marifatullah christians prayed in the masjid intervening stage dawn conditions of clothing during salah good jinn omar(ra) night of ragaib dar-us salaam respect tashrik takbir friday how to make sincere repentance true love date of miraj closing eyes angel and people sexual intercourse 165 verse of Baqara realm caliphs rebellion voice 15th of rajab qiyam abandoning haram iftitah takbir beard planet reviving parents free-will ramadan karem tarawih in different madhabs wisdom one qurbani for the household ıslamic-law menstruating women visiting graveyards agent angels the existence of god women wearing jeans society eid-ul adha mandub dua for hidayah fasting three days before ramadan cure for masturbation envier people in jannah water multiplication miracle joseph jibreel returning the rights before hajj muharram presence of god furqaan death is good fasting and health holy day to break fast intentionally combine prayers recite into ear wive's property in Islam

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