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What is the message of Ashura? I wanted a quick summary, please? 12.6.2012 11:34

Importance of Fasting on the Day of Ashura

What is the importance and virtue of fasting on Ashura Day? 11.20.2012 11:24

Is it makruh to fast only on the Day of Ashura?

Is it makruh to fast only the 10th of Muharram? What does it mean “to differ the Jews while fasting Ashura? 11.19.2012 22:17

What is the ruling on fasting on Ashura Day?

Is fasting on Ashura Day wajib? 11.19.2012 15:44


Contributed by Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, PhD 1.12.2012 23:14

What are the Events That Happened on the Day of Ashura?

The Day of Ashura is almost a turning point for the world and the humanity, through the events happened on it... 12.17.2010 01:39

What does “Ashura" Mean?

What is "ashura"? What is the importance of "the Day of Ashura"? 1.12.2012 14:20


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