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tags: food jewellery safari hafaza bida-i hasana praying in the graveyard death time the day of judgment ayah about five daily prayers hira end of the world sunnahs of jumuah nifas and hayd during fast black dress why to seek knowledge layers of jannah trimming eyebrows school attribute fast of ramadan ısra death learn about hijra how miraj happened prophetess 6666 congregational prayer controversy photo ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom junub physical body of god morals apparent nothingness obesity transparent to receive salam dress during salah zakat for the money on deposit waswasa rebellion hamala-i mumtasil advise fast death is good ill nimrod unseen mind imperfect worship to break fast intentionally acceptance of imperfect worship duties of the prophets natural creation existence of god zakat to friend in need salah is the pillar of islam expressions of respect Corselle recite into ear to pray for nonbeliever silaturrahim beloved ones religious festival bridge fatiha halal pages ramda sirat disbeliever manners of i’tikaf christians prayed in the masjid tasawwuf paraclete crack of dawn hisab rain prayer people of fatrat fasting only ashura mustahabb recitation responsility ismat inheritance of an unmarried lady creature ragaib will of allah entitled to receive zakat obeying the orders of allah polytheism dress hadith deceased penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally civilization listening to Quran while working everlasting tashrik takbir dajjal Thomas Carlyle

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