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yaqup hadiths and ayahs proving hajj reaction to backbiting pillars of sawm fasting ramadan damage khutba prophet muhammad(pbuh) smell of jannah boy girl relationship on phone Ismail nicotine impact of name do iftar according to makkah sinner history spouse srebrenica massacre Muaz Bin Jabal zoology pillars of faith not talking for three days the bible women voice in ıslam waswasa after salah divine knowledge dead-born-baby Thomas Carlyle muslim scientists intoxicant madhmadha man ghilman fasting on ashura people of salvation zakat of debtor social aspects of hajj mawa mikaa'eel zakah where is Allah menstruation duties of parents adultery conditions for an accepted tawbah ısrafel order stinginess in islam jamaah sadaqah al fitr miswak while fasting worship in shaban things invalidating fast month of rajab night journey lailat al baraat forbidden women for marriage karbala food intercession he gregorian calendar omar(ra) kaffarah for a few times faraclete prophet muhammad (pbuh) welcoming ramadan gabriel blessed days quality greeting men food multiplication miracle close eyes during salah nawafile fast wive's property in Islam ıslam mecca chores of the prophet mandub relationship through phone 61 days umm-ul kitaab importance of praying at dawn menstruating women visiting graveyards to love language of divine books zakat for committed money transmigration symbol advise ask for pardon the existence of god creature smokeless fire abandoning haram christians prayed in the masjid ejaculation during fast star british museum praying asr on time evidence

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