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ajb al-zanab basic beliefs in Islam mawlid al nabi sun nativity play immortal repetition of improper ibadah hijri calendar why to seek knowledge interrogation ayah and hadith about shafaah news in bible for muhammad wet dream Maryam in Quran birth of Jesus in Quran fish interpretation of Baqara 165 postnatal bleeding water multiplication miracle smokeless fire jew osman al hiri peace ihtilam ignorant kill commit sin visiting graveyard ayah ruh hebrew zakat al fitr wear a cross itiqaf islamic inheritence law test Prof. Gerald C. Goeringer taking care of elderly parents wet dream while fasting theory of evolution after death tenet creation of time ahad eid salah existence muayada sunni acceptance of imperfect worship trade evidence of god drink 21.verse of Surah al Najm ummah ghusul good jinn is it permissible for women to sing tarawih kosovo lustful thoughts during fast mothers in Islam zakat for trading goods expressions of respect pardon prayers of previous ummahs apparent nothingness prophets take soul salah on a chair fard-i kifaya celebration example predestination confidant with nonmuslims acceptance of dua nafilah skin of the qurban islamic perpective on lying fast of ramadan lust makkah ornament wife permission for polygamy dress code for praying order of the ayahs sakat al fitr to wife verses deny fasting 15th of rajab food multiplication miracle dejavu permission for second wife affliction disorder to keep chastity resurrection makruhs in toilet nabi arabian peninsula

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