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crescent ghusul pleasure and entertainment sun botox testamentary jacop necessary modesty disobedience to parents rebirth bad omen in safar zakat al fitr to parents breaking the fast day of judgment the dead equal forbidden fast of ashura sexual problem who can receive zakat silence during khutba qur’an to break fast intentionally holy days hairdresser rab zakat-ul fitr wajib euthanasia time age of salah hamala-i mumtasil ashura day hadith about 5 daily prayers jew medical aspect of fasting whispers of shaitan Johon Jacobreisi month of ramadan hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj educational methods of Muhammad calamity ikhtiyari qadar compulsory to seek knowledge jesus shaitan feeding cat chronic bleeding or menses parents of muhammad laylat-ul qadr jahannam blessed month unlimited woman clothing human faraclete prophet muhammad (pbuh) God knows everything ablution while fasting Khaybar expiation of masturbation during fast lustful thoughts during fast loan allah morning of celebration doubt adornment reckoning miscarriage entitled to receive zakat doubt hampers faith wife permission for polygamy cover wildan rebelling against parents Eve in Islam crucifiction solutions for unity night meaning of tawheed salaam omnipotent islamic jurisprudence worship in itikaf morals nafila fast brilliance(lightness) ummu subyan fiqh foreplay during fast miswak while fasting Carlyle greeting men ibsadah maltreatmant toward parents sidrat-ul muntaha sending greetings on prophet darkness corpse of pharaoh basics of Islam

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