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lunar calendar remembrance duties of a wife in islam ıslam-women voice disrespect to parents side-effect wear a cross greeting justice and reancarnation cleaning cream before salah sirat joking in Islam muhammad's religion before ıslam hands above the navel in salah fard salah israafeel inheritance duurat-al vaizin sidrat-ul muntaha night prayer speak during khutba iftar muslims and racism eating dates inheritance of an unmarried lady muslim countries christianity fasting during long days zakat for the money on deposit fasting ramadan moral denial abortion fasting under compulsion greek language montenegro revelation month of rajab you are you black dress tenet sleeping sunnah taraweeh veil problems of balkan muslims zakat-ul fitr sexual gratification pleasant(latif) stop talking for three days lailat al baraat gibril nimrod human world ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom sunnahs of eid resurrection people of book eternity celebrating the new year shahadah adab of prayer neccesity of Islamic unity miswak ask for pardon community asking during khutbah whisper of satan Ibrahim fasting 11th of muharram dry ablution whoever misses the asr prayer non-existence dar-ul khuld ghusl how to make tawbah procreation using perfume on friday female education in Islam compulsory to seek knowledge where is Allah jihad in Islam realm of grave sur giving blood zabh haircut maqaam masturbation in ramadan private parts haram (forbidden things) hadith about repentance takbir ignorant 10 muharram prophet jesus (pbuh) one qurbani for the household tatol ablution proof of shafaah types of sunnah

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