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muhammad's attitute to his wifes foreteller premarital relationship mani sunnah al muakkada omar jamada al akhir missed compulsory fast tatol ablution creation of universe proof of god importance of Muslim unity Jesus will come back free-will blessed days throw pebbles movement evidences of reincarnation in Quran quds Jesus in Islam darkness Prof. Joe Leigh Simpson salvation face revealed book mukarrab malaika of arsh Maryam in Quran urinate zakat conditions journey scholars white lies incest reward for hajj brotherhood in Islam virtue of tarawih rows of a congregational prayer musailama-ı kazzab water hadith about tawba similarity between jinn and human angels in the Quran conditions breaking fast matter ismat khorasan vow haram (forbidden things) hafsa obligatory hadith about hajj when to start fasting six days of shawwal controversy sirat bridge commit a sin baby barnabas virtue of shaban chemistry deny fasting feast days pray for the guidance of disbeliever couples in the hereafter repetition of improper ibadah importance of straightening the rows compulsory to seek knowledge sin-evil women clothing in islam ties of kinship nabiyah presence of god pregnanct age in jannah combination of salahs nahr holy days adam sultan selim lying anger jihad permanent tattoo sibling planet sacrficie offer iftar dua of visiting the graveyard divine religions creed defending the person they are backbiting about people in jannah one udhiyya suffices for the household respect for parents zakat to organizations attributes reference to muhammad in bible amala-i mumassil effects of envy welcoming ramadan presence of allah

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