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long-term debt and zakat wet dream sky quality son of god answer excellence whisper of satan evilcommanding soul reviving parents abraham the existence of god tawba 60 inspiration hussain oneness hasan beard conditions of quitting ramadan fast doubt hampers faith sharia element worships of hajj power guilty the wisdom of sins bad manners yazid form jew sirat bridge difference between angels and people Quran and thinkers method jesus Edward Gibbon is shafaah right quran addictive pray at grave feel a presence behind me Loqman types of angels praying asr on time image namaz martyr sahaba without performing salat breastfeeding allah created adam in his image ramadan fast prooves of quran creature shafaat niyyah graveyard prayers of previous ummahs combination of salahs difference between quran and sunnah madhmadha while fasting congregation who am ı three months ruku tartil halal marital relations anger mukarrab malaika of arsh sibling illness during fast hadith about magic worship in itikaf magician in islam kaffarah for repeated masturbation speak during khutba age for hajj bad omen in safar evil literature | forgiveness choice virtue of ramadan ıshmael when to start fasting six days of shawwal wisdom veil pure heart surah after fatiha does shower break fast missing the asr prayer when to make niyyah for fast faith revelation joking in Islam celebrate the eid fasting in shawwal preference men over women missed witr in maliki disobedience against parents fasting three days before ramadan

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