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night salutation during khutba fasting in the moth of shawwal meaning of hajj bad deeds fasting of a pregnant woman salawat answer greet pray female education in Islam tatol ablution fasting and obesity revolution order of kaffarah disobedience against parents khutba object bukhl sadaqa and destiny ejaculation due to look during fast time of death events in hijra provision convert changes name basic beliefs in Islam absolute nothingness fasting three days before ramadan ghaybah bath on friday night prayer ansar easy delivery wife atheism lipstick during fast day of judgement prayer with trousers makruhs in toilet catastrophe qamari calendar proof of allah name month of ummah Muslim world kaba entitled to receive zakat the day before eid miracles of Jesus prophet's month tajvid jund-u subhani improvement love qasas-ul anbiya difference between quran and sunnah order Edward Gibbon ramadan-ul mubarak Ismail nabiyah human evilcommanding soul shukr prayer five pillars of islam lailat al baraat feeding cat tahqiqi iman moses and khidr reward of sending blessings impact of name prostration for forgetfulness sincerity fasting during breastfeeding moses iman-i taqlidi faith existence pillars of fast madhabs rahmah malaika dress with image rhetoric fasting under compulsion obesity hadiths and ayahs proving hajj listening to Quran while working break the fast hisab groups eligible for zakat zakat to friend in need funeral zakat for the money on deposit eating sleeping sunnah maliki magnificence wakil medicine during fast

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