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patience lying for joking significance of salah wish for death fitr tawbah five daily prayers reasons of backbiting fast broken science and sleeping sunnah Quran and philosophers the holy day of Muslims jummah semen during fast liwa al hamd divine religions theory of evolution distort fasting during journey breastfeeding jamaah bida-i hasana consept of allah maun age of mukallaf good jinn confidant with nonmuslims chastening of nafs to break fast intentionally straightening the rows recommended acts of worship in ramadan faith of an infidel planet apparent nothingness tattoo praise interpretation of Baqara 165 tafsir aramaic dead covering ayahs about parents dua and destiny prostration number of verses jinn ask the deceased for intercession tarweeha ayahs on hajj holy day who am ı tayammum testifying partner salah spirituality muhammad mentioned in bible stop talking for three days sirat bridge maintaining the ties of kinship ka'ba dark period of iddah predetermination sadaqa in ramadan meaning of hajj star lailat al baraat Johon Jacobreisi Loqman Quran and western thinkers ejaculation due to look during fast prophet muhammad(pbuh) toilet Shuaib reach ruku barysphere husband name crucifiction zakat for deposit hadrat solomon muhammad dhulkarnayn blessed nights lying to make people laugh commit a sin obesity iradah to endure the difficulties of long fasting samad end of the world shortest period of itikaf friday of ramadan barnabas martyr sahaba without performing salat hadith about name mazi during fast intercession with ayah and hadith

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