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61 days materialism pillars of fast the month of prophet full ablution Dr. Maurice Bucaille biology tawafuq teacher Ishaq language of the prophets salam oneness of god provision wear a cross zakat to non muslims hafsa compulsory prayers angels parent tayammum razzaq bosnia dress with image recite quran at grave tawba nasooh breaking the fast eavesdrop muslim women wearing jeans allah created adam in his image dhulhijjah entity risalei nur jinn fasting of a pregnant woman obesity uthman school tatol ablution islamic perpective on lying waswasa mani during fast 6666 declaration of belief dress during salah prophet muhammad(pbuh) khutba hadith about kaffara wish for death proof of intercession a'ad gabriel dressing code intention glorification to find lost goods cutting hair during menstruation zakat for land purpose of dress age of people of jannah intervening stage side-effect realm of grave importance of fasting muharram keeping dogs at home guest is destiny fixed ejaculation due to thoughts during fast servitude adults playing dolls lying to make people laugh qibla tarawih is sunnah to pray wearing a dress with images sexual intercource evil hisab bidah Jesus will come back one qurbani per person junub medical aspect of fasting wording devils mahshar minor sin importance of salam Jesus in Quran fishkeeping kiram al katibin firdaws doubts in faith true love prayers of one who drinks alcohol khaluf rabial akhir closing eyes is it permissible for women to sing congregation marriage

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