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lie as a joke gossip lailat al miraj does shower break fast taraweeh sunnah caliphate not fasting technology join prayers worst major sins fast of an ill person in ramadan modern science beautiful names of allah fard al-ayn dolls in islam true prophet amount of nisab teacher dar-ul khuld ask the deceased for intercession shortening the salah realm of grave does bath break fast salat mikaa'eel sadaqa al fitr the day of arafa sun mawlid haram (forbidden things) Ismail coincidence gain thawab greece oblige convert changes name british museum bad deeds of the dead eternal great sins unmarriageable female relatives memorizer evidence bad omen in safar sadaqa weight of soul wedding ceremony qıyamah combination of salahs hands above the navel in salah ka'ba beautification leaving the masjid during itikaf proof of allah partner godless illness during fast zakat and debt ıslam existence permission for second wife praying tarawih in congregation new muslim changes name menses ayahs about parents balkans salam youth kitaabullah the month of trouble meaning of tawheed school of law tartil intercession with ayah and hadith quds marital activity invalidating fast disobey rhetoric doomed to destiny questioning angels hebrew niyyah for i’tikaf alignment of the heels to straighten the row losing sexual desires distort character muhammad in bible congregation see allah niyyah evidences of hajj being obligatory magic creature zakat to non muslims 10 muharram meaning of salam incest status of Jesus in Islam missed witr prayer

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