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to pray for polytheist science chores of the prophet why to seek knowledge coincidence covering salaam allah has no beginning benefits of quitting smoking cleaning teeth while fasting dawud forbidden month of shawwal amala-i mumassil shariah red sea son Islam's view on women swimming while fasting fundamental beliefs in Islam jiin doubt hampers faith medication on open wound during fast hamala-i mumtasil importance of sexual gratification in islam barnabas Prens Bismarck responsible proper time for qada of witr zakat to a non muslim unintentionally soothsayer sacrifice leaving the masjid during itikaf Maryam in Quran fard al-kifaya yaqup qamah to keep chastity kaffarah for ramadan God watches us the month of safar side-effect when miraj happened unintentional mistakes prominent jibreel is human creator of actions pumpkin jund-u subhani signs of laylat al qadr fasting during journey kabbalah unmarriageable female relatives is shafaah right rahmah qurban hadith about 5 daily prayers paraclete rabbana atina mikaa'eel tawaf al ziyarat Allah watches us fish rules creatures in the quran transmigration biology period-delaying zakat al fitr defeatist sky haram (forbidden things) preference men over women bosnia tahlil offer iftar repent school tawba nisab qur'an sleeping sunnah shower wive's property in Islam spoiled fast commander carriers madhmadha while fasting expressions of respect trumpet feel Allah all the time closing eyes light arabic ilm meaning of reancarnation things invalidating fast round beard breaking fast iftar demon

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