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using perfume on friday taking care of elderly parents importance of praying at night eidul adha light authentic reasons of backbiting dua ayahs silaturrahim jew iddah worship of sacrifice praying asr on time face ayahs on hajj perform prayer in unison with congregation development israfel hajj in ayahs and hadiths faith breaking fast fasting girl sexual intercourse mortal omnipotent lailat al baraat water runs from his fingers value of ramadan eid-ul adha fil bida-i hasana not talking for three days wive's property in Islam incest kiraman katibin bad manners maqaam Rodwell beautification month of shawwal punishment of backbiting Muslim world Islam's view on women death ramadan karem supplication Marmaduke quality irresponsible parents predetermination khaluf funeral covenant chemistry breast-feeding disobey parents in haram son of god pay zakat to masjid eloquence decree expiation of masturbation during fast wife and mother prominent transmigration brother breastfeeding fiqh saw Allah divine religions compound dua is essence of worship how long to stay in itikaf Quran recitation tawba 60 relationship universe jibreel does destiny change zamm-i surah arabian peninsula desires in jannah six days fasting age of people of jannah fasting three days before ramadan justice and reancarnation wife permission for polygamy conditions of hajj sleeping sunnah where is god suffering miscarrige medicine during fast mizan commit suicide four great angels dissemination throw pebbles essence is human creator of actions makrooh fasahat weighing the deeds

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