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not talking for three days expressions of respect object hamala-i mumtasil teacher compensation dhulhijja form of Allah fragrance of jannah premarital relationship visit graveyard female education in Islam eve of eid purpose of dress authentic fasting 11th of muharram allah celebrate the eid unmarriageable female relatives to pray for nonbeliever vaginal discharge muslim working in pub quality join prayers aramaic deed what breaks itikaf qur'an listening to adhan obedience Ishaq prophet muhammad martyr permission for second wife chemistry fasting shaban wali swimming while fasting ottoman disbeliever oneness of allah ıslamic-law ghilman sadaqat al fitr virtue of tarawih overcome jealousy educational methods of Muhammad where is Allah long-term debt and zakat non-believer tawbah denial levels being in an environment where there is backbiting sur creed losing sexual desires the wisdom of sins grave realm decree price of a kiss zakat al fitr to parents dua maltreatmant toward parents white lies greet amala-i mumassil wet dream during fast exploration love of allah bad manners hadiths and ayahs proving hajj breaking ramadan fast intentionally tahqiqi iman revolution warner inspiration how to convert where to place hands in salah faith of parents of prophet breastfeeding kawthar solutions for waswasa asma al-husna stone the devil permanent tattoo our beloved prophet did his chores by himself fishkeeping nawafile fast unlimited importance of salam to pray for polytheist lipstick during fast school of thought dhalla isra niyyah in madhabs ask the deceased for help inheritor

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