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sunnahs of friday gabriel poor free-will eating the food of nonmuslims contemplation paraklytos breast-feeding how long to stay in itikaf chronic bleeding or menses kaffarah for ramadan Dr. City Youngest preference men over women dua is essence of worship adab of prayer commit evil responsility abu bakr ragaib water dhulhijjah damage junub silver ring rights of parents marifatullah jama takheer children of paradise offer iftar jinns ablution while fasting history of hijra one qurbani on behalf of the household women wearing jeans ummu subyan fall in love in ıslam fasting 11th of muharram wali fard commander carriers blessed nights calamity lailatul qadr aquarium Islam and racisim delay abondening sunnah names of allah supplications in the quran udhiyya purpose of dress bonds between Muslims types of iman science and sleeping sunnah working in a pub sahaba recitation importance of salah forgiveness miswak while fasting period lustful thoughts during fast greeting suffering miscarrige realm of grave lawh-i mahfuz science in islam fasting under compulsion mikaa'eel hikmah will prostration of thankfulness islamic greeting medication hadiths about the date of miraj zakat to friend the last day of dhulhijja worship in itikaf khalifah mahshar dolls in islam belief compensation khidr submission things validate fast results of hijra worst major sins abort ramad amount of nisab coherence generosity relation by marriage rabial awwal education verified faith firdaws prerequisites of prayer chapter

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