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adhan islamic inheritance law samad christmas night Islamic unity reancarnation worship during itikaf fish husband the old time of wedding in Islam cleaning cream before salah taking care of elderly parents fasting three days before ramadan khorasan doomed to destiny dua istighfar past eternal intention for ramadan fasting best way to spend Ramadan to love pious gods form makruhs in toilet prominent trouble dar-us salaam iftaar dua ayahs keeping Quran in the bedroom mani ıslam deceased weighing the deeds zakat and debt temperature having children hashr tawba 60 H.Leider hell islamic calendar break the fast zakat to nonmuslims proofs of muhammad in bible rasul being in an environment where there is backbiting supplication how to make tawbah salaam injection during fast bath on friday jund-u subhani mushrikeen ıshmael sexual intercource forgiveness in shaban bathroom ızdirari qadar backbiting inspiration balaghat shuhh spotting caused by IUD combine prayers haram (forbidden things) kaffarah for a few times magic dead can hear fasting 6 days of shawwal partner jihad in Islam Quran and western thinkers age of people of jannah Allah watches us jinn qa'da types of angels fasting shaban process of fiqh night of celebration fatimi doomed tanasukh deed miracles about trees the importance of muharram whisper of satan lie as a joke women imitating men christian dua for guidance cleaning reading kuran in ramadan atom allah salah is the pillar of islam evidences of hajj being obligatory islamic knowledge

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