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placing hands in salah killing animals love illness during fast fasting on ashura disobey pleasure and entertainment child marriage twahab for umra in ramadan tafseer of Surah al Najm intoxicant night journey organ days when it is forbidden to fast plight of widows in Islam malaika worship of an alcohol drinker fast reviving parents science in islam modesty Yasir deceased hadiths about salawat water runs from his fingers sadaqat al fitr worship in shaban nicotine worship on baraat respect for parents pillars of ıslam significance of salah what to do in ramadan divorce in Islam matter to endure the difficulties of long fasting rabial awwal missed witr in maliki dua for Omar Khattab speak during khutba reaction to backbiting zakat alms keeping dogs at home creator silaturrahim Dr. Maurice beam dua and fate visiting graveyard to apply cream during fast belief in reancarnation ability pillar couples in the hereafter religious festival to know the prophet and companions gospel Edward Gibbon whispers of shaitan virtue of ramadan willful misinterpretation people of fatrat najran wise tahiyyat red sea importance of fasting ashura infidels marriage in shaban suffering miscarrige forbidden women for marriage fast of ashura messenger zakat for the committed saving using perfume on friday maltreatmant toward parents fasting and obesity zakat conditions etiquette dua meaning of hajj ask a foreteller for help women imitating men break promise ukhuwwah in Islam blessed days big bang hair social give name things that break fast masturbation shii jund-u subhani yunus obligatory martyr sahaba without performing salat plugging eyebrows

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