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solutions to control sexual desires causing a bad deed rebellion sperm silaturrahim muawiya human world inheritence hands below the navel in salah martyrdom creed zakat guilty hadith about kaffara intervening stage ghaybah obliged to hajj praying in the graveyard Prophet changed bad names generous couples in the hereafter ruh madhmadha while fasting stop talking for three days fasting three days before ramadan celebration hisab chemistry salah is the pillar of islam stoning of the devil social aspects of hajj language of the holy books maun makrooh arafa day who to give zakat al fitr planet paraklytos wearing trousers ramadan zakat for the money on deposit who am ı virtues of friday will night of ragaib incest belief in destiny fard salah zakat on shares alim nonmuslim neighboor lipstick during fast providing the Muslim unity to delay zakat mani during fast dhikr bosnian war unbeliever month of ramadan history qıyamah one qurbani for the household ilah animal noah photo speak during khutba ayahs on hajj dua changes fate fasting in old ages night journey boy girl relationship on phone sending greetings on prophet defeatist the difference of sunnah fatiha kaffarah for repeated masturbation body dark meaning of reancarnation toilet greek why facing the kaba believe in unseen recommended acts of worship in ramadan fasahat abandoning sin acceptance of imperfect worship ınjil kafir witr prayer twahab for umra in ramadan name ruku women in Torah evidences of reincarnation in Quran virtues of jummah shaban al muazzam wive's property in Islam glorify

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