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intention of fast fast of an ill person in ramadan hashr injustice benefits of belief in qadar warner muhammad's religion before ıslam medicine during fast disobedience to parents wear a cross zakat to nonmuslims abort surah operation plastic surgery muhammad mentioned in bible safari purpose of dress isa sakat al fitr to wife feel in the presence of Allah stolen goods ramadan karem uninformed people unmarriageable female relatives khadijah relations with people of book day of judgment noor forgiveness in shaban fast of ashura brilliance(lightness) insulin injection complete the first rows dua for hidayah wing madhabs suicide tawaff-e ziyarat sculpture two consecutive months maltreatmant toward parents oblige enemy increase iman Mr. John Davenport whoever misses the asr prayer night of ragaib everlasting smoking covenant forbidden women for marriage proof of intercession marital activity invalidating fast breastfeeding hanbali where to place hands in salah shaban al muazzam follow makkah for iftar alignment of the heels to straighten the rows hormonal disorder sadaqa al fitr big bang types of iman science and islam contradiction memorizer women in Quran Dr. Maurice door bath paraclete royal we tayammum ruling satan prostration intermediate state compulsory daily prayers belief in prophets pagan open wound social life night qasas-ul anbiya toys in islam tawba 60 ilm ayah and hadith about shafaah laylat al baraat to know the prophet and companions angels in the Quran ibsadah language of the prophets colour of fire latin past eternity reasons of backbiting modesty akhlaq muhammad

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