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tanasukh silver ring sunnah al muakkada mystery vaginal discharge fasting in the moth of shawwal educational methods of Muhammad niyyah one qurbani on behalf of the household world fasting during journey thawab when miraj happened reason adab of prayer example applying cream and salah events in hijra nicotine namaz worshipping others than allah boy girl relationship on phone damage shawwal crescent symbol death is good prayers not accepted for 40 days non-believer mawlid dead responsible Prof. Joe Leigh Simpson theory of evolution when to start fasting six days of shawwal keeping dogs at home friday of ramadan medical aspect of fasting 19-22 verses of Najm mahshar people of fatrat types of iman obligatory khulafa al rashidun form befriending nonmuslims test mother of evils great sins women in Islam miswak language pharaoh praise compulsory daily prayers madhmadha while fasting nativity play boyfriend in Islam shaban tahqiqi iman beloved ones take soul hashr people in jannah cat mukallaf bible dhulqada osman al hiri spirituality travel duties of the prophets qadar in ayahs i’tikaf seek laylat al qadr last ten days of ramadan problems of balkan muslims religion zakat for merchandise ties of kinship not talking for three days jizya opposite sex bleeding caused by IUD answer to prayer provider zakat to non muslims tattoo to love Isa will come back misfortune in safar najasa sun expressions of respect slaughter rebellion ornament Prophet changed bad names disobedience against parents eternity miracles of muhammad

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