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najasa wive's property in Islam humans inheritor festival pray haram (forbidden things) wet dream during fast child round beard hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj zakat to a non muslim unintentionally miracles of muhammad to complete and straighten the rows in sunnah addictive laylatu'l qadr people exempted from fasting sperm prophet jesus (pbuh) to break fast intentionally rights of parents reincarnation in Quran dawud Quran and philosophers hisab niyyah commerce fasting during long days period-delaying pray at grave praying asr on time zakat to non muslims period of iddah the month of trouble illness during fast Eve in Islam ghusl while fasting waswasa after salah dress with image when to make niyyah for fast asma al'husna noah hunger informing future shafaat martyr sahaba without performing salat fasting during breastfeeding presence of allah iftar worships of hajj the old the difference of sunnah maqaam prostration for forgetfulness sacdah sahw how to overcome sexual desire allah(swt) khadijah food multiplication miracle listening to Quran while working female inheritance in Islam fasting 10th of muharram age of salah black after death adornment transplantation safar rahmah tattoo desires in jannah hairless zakat and solidarity kaaba five pillars of islam declaration of belief prostration of thankfulness expiation of masturbation during fast intercession do iftar according to makkah welcoming ramadan ablution while fasting answer cream during fasting isra pillars of islam prophet's month private parts monogamy significance of fasting rows of a congregational prayer sadaqa and destiny inheritance of an unmarried lady virtues of friday sunnahs of jumuah method foreplay during fast itikaf placing hands in salah zakat to non-muslims

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