Articles tagged as " abraham "

Totally 4 articles have been tagged as " abraham "

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What Was the Religion of Muhammad Before Islam?

Before Blessed Muhammad (pbuh) became a prophet of Islam, what had his religion been? 2.15.2011 15:08

What are the Events That Happened on the Day of Ashura?

The Day of Ashura is almost a turning point for the world and the humanity, through the events happened on it... 12.17.2010 01:39

Which prophets were the holy books sent down to?

Which prophets were given the holy books? Which prophets were given the "suhuf" (pages)? 10.31.2012 15:17

The First Sacrifice Order

When was the order of sacrifice first happened? How did the first order come? 11.5.2010 20:49


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