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qiyamah apparent nothingness intercession with ayah and hadith age of salah you are you chores of the prophet interrogation days forbidden to fast transparent virtues of jummah enemy sacrifice stoning of the devil hamala-i mumtasil IUD language breaking fast god srebrenica massacre divorce in Islam makrooh ısra child home fasting in war zakat in islamic civilization to keep chastity maliki hairless kabbalah torments of hell ramadan-al-mubarak patience umrah tawbah zayd importance of Muslim unity zakat to friend in need fasting 11th of muharram lotion during fast mani during fast men imitating women natural selection ahad period of iddah udhiyya jihad in Islam sadaqat al fitr creator parent ask for forgiveness of people before hajj proof of allah Islam's view on women azil good morals duty to pray for nonbeliever spirituality ask the deceased for help balkans feast of sacrifice tayammum omar(ra) doomed closing eyes zakat to friend istighfar holy day wahy veil jesus mentioned muhammad jesus neccesity of Islamic unity iblis lawh al mahfuz magnificence testamentary joseph informing future jamada al akhir conditions for an accepted tawbah dua for Omar Khattab khutba hadrat ali operation bad deeds of the dead crescent symbol breast-feeding youth cutting hair during menstruation miracles of Jesus worship of sacrifice the last day of dhulhijja follow makkah for iftar who can receive zakat vaginal discharge ramadan-ul mubarak five daily prayers belief in destiny perform prayer in unison with congregation

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