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commander carriers being in an environment where there is backbiting natural selection tashrik takbir sending greetings on prophet dhalla matter recite quran at grave omar hijri calender funeral haram (forbidden things) belief advise moral children of paradise testamentary crescent greeting witr prayer ghusl go to masjid against parents Prens Bismarck ask for forgiveness of people before hajj sin racism responsibilites of parents fitr dhimmi ibadah duties of a wife in islam heritage atheism omnipotence dar-us salaam sunnahs of eid Prophet changed bad names brotherhood in Islam family ties mukallaf unbeliever problems of balkan muslims kalaamullah denier importance of straightening the rows literature abandoning a muslim for three days tenuous impotence day of judgement dhulhijjah martyr abort niyet permissible sujud penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally maltreatmant toward parents importance of sending blessings marriage stop talking for three days wahy fasting in the moth of shawwal devil testfying of souls jizya in islam cream during fasting menstruation nuh yazid jannah prophet muhammed (pbuh) divorce skin of the qurban ghusl on jummah ilah british museum monogamy splitting the moon types of iman things validate fast Prof. Gerald C. Goeringer Dr. Johnson proper time for qada of witr black dress tasawwuf ıslam miswak while fasting age in jannah hijrah alignment of the heels to straighten the rows premarital relationship prophetess delay breaking the fast sirat night of ragaib adhan good morals vaccination during fast salutation

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