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qabah obliged to hajj school of law warner verse intoxicant hadrat servitude pardon treasure tajvid gibril Allah watches us partner qadar in hadiths gossip holiday mystery reason proofs of Isa returning seeing allah cleaning madhabs new year's eve scientists paradox sleeping sunnah delaying zakat magic in ıslam the month of prophet zakat on fixed deposit interrogation british museum controversy effects of envy news in bible for muhammad botox naeem minor sin missed witr in maliki stinginess in islam tashrik takbir hands above the navel in salah Edmond jund-u subhani muakkada abandoning a muslim for three days twahab for umra in ramadan time of wedding in Islam bulgaria nonmuslim neighboor zakat for trading goods takbir ablution while fasting najis reference to muhammad in bible holy book things validate fast movement Johon Jacobreisi see angel shaban al muazzam teacher school of thought wet dream during fast asking during khutbah Islamic belief in prophets nativity play pregnanct importance of salah husayn when to start fasting six days of shawwal duty congregational prayer worshipping others than allah jamada al akhir ıdris trouble feast of sacrifice tahiyyat sufism divine religions torture permissible ramadan soul order staff turning into sword dua for waswasa justice to children commander carriers goodness muhammad ask for forgiveness of people before hajj jesus mentioned muhammad jewellery transmigration christmas night period of itikaf marital activity invalidating fast

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