Articles tagged as " adolesence "

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What is Salah (Prayer)?

What does "salah" mean? 4.7.2010 22:45


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illness during fast reason of miraj ragaib dwellers of grave fasting girl sexual intercourse sadaqa al fitr parents provision alcoholic beverage messenger medical aspect of fasting reading Surah al Kahf on friday meaning of tawheed picture sin-evil the day of arafa blessed month zakat for the lent money solutions for waswas asr hadith qaroon wedding ceremony is shafaah right hafsa how to overcome masturbation interrogation feast groups eligible for zakat dish allah created adam in his image kill impact of name on man angels in the ayahs eid'ul adha cutting hair during menstruation sibling yazid speed ramad iblis importance of straightening the rows dry ablution prayers not accepted for 40 days sleep events in hijra toilet manners missed witr in maliki liwa-ul hamd transgression lost goods ısrafel the holy day of Muslims jummah ıdris non-believer Quran and philosophers expiation of masturbation during fast zakat to friend nifas and hayd during fast pumpkin misfortune in safar substantial dua ayahs make up during fast eight lying to make people laugh white lies glorify passive euthanasia gods form ghusl on jummah death time to endure the difficulties of long fasting wife and mother goodness karbala iron ring submission hatred commit sin sincerity in dua stinginess in islam lawh al mahfuz nafilah jihad in Islam duties of parents namaz mukallaf srebrenica authentic dead-born-baby islamic knowledge science in islam conscience women in Islam sending greetings on prophet neccesity of Islamic unity hadith about repentance deduct debt from zakat amount eating the food of nonmuslims one qurbani on behalf of the household

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