Articles tagged as " adornment "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " adornment "

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What is ruling on a woman's getting her haircut by a man?

What is ruling on a woman's getting her haircut by  by men? 5.22.2012 01:14

How Much Grams Must be the Silver Ring Man Wear?

Is it permissible for me to wear silver rings weight more than 3-4 grams? 9.18.2010 18:30


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samad arabic duties of the prophets brotherhood in Islam ghusl while fasting oneness of allah conditions for an accepted tawbah proofs of Isa returning age of mukallaf what invalidates itikaf performing salah sitting afterlife tawba celebrating the new year shaban al muazzam cream with alcohol pay zakat to masjid mustahabb nativity play Quran and western thinkers fasting qur'an imperfect worship meccan chapters the best ramadan give name lailat ul baraat qiyam women women imitating men bathroom ramad fard salah hadiths about hajj results of hijra disobedience to parents ilm fast broken zakat al fitr to children tahlil community sultan selim shafaat mind mystery medinan chapters angels in the Quran dolls in islam belief in destiny physics ornament order of the ayahs worship during itikaf father fasting 9th of muharram couples in the hereafter existence of allah to apply moisturiser during fast fall in love in ıslam scale ıshmael prophethood days forbidden to fast zakat for deposit nabi best time for wedding example morning of celebration scripture wive's property in Islam meaning of tawheed deny fasting invitation of a nonmuslim letter recommended acts of worship in ramadan pillars of sawm according to four madhabs give alms combine prayers i’tikaf sin iman-i tahqiqi shaitan sadaqa in ramadan mahram toilet manners commit sin salvation bad deeds of the dead islamic calendar heaven calamity model person levels of jannah worships of hajj education in Islam reflection people exempted from fasting life levels intention

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