Articles tagged as " adultery "

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Women in Islam

Women in Islam Versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition  3.21.2013 11:26

Boy- Girl Relationships in Islam

In islam can muslim men and women be friends if their intentions are pure,just friends not boyfriend or girlfriend? “I do not exculpate myself. Lo! the (human) soul enjoineth unto evil, save that whereon my Lord hath mercy. Lo! My Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.” (Surah al Yusuf, 53) 1.8.2012 15:13


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kaffarah for ramadan fast ask the deceased for intercession Carlyle visiting graveyard fasting 6 days of shawwal ramadan-al-mubarak punishment of backbiting intention for i’tikaf alawis blessed days soul things invalidating fast nonmuslim men kill salawat animals i'jaz jahannam niyet ilm doomed family ties jerusalem dress code for praying mothers in Islam revelation permission for second wife stingy things breaking fast veil place combination of salahs hypocrisy razzaq light animal treatment in ıslam opposite sex severing family ties hadith about hajj evidence of allah kaffarah for a few times types of angels black reward for fasting ashura age for hajj morning of celebration ihtilam say salam albania waswasa after salah penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally rebelling against parents virtues of friday significance of salah fasting girl raped modern science dua for waswasa sending blessings on prophet dish prophetess medication on open wound during fast importance of unity tahlil pious baraat astronomy water runs from his fingers the difference of sunnah toilet rab keep promise Prof. Joe Leigh Simpson relatives medical aspect of fasting barnabas to break fast intentionally fortuneteller jamarat woman clothing active euthanasia worship during itikaf 61 days fasting evidence of god misgiving types of nationalism tarawih shii religious festival salah is the pillar of islam intercession wudu while fasting prayer of an alcohol drinker symbol food multiplication ıdris praying tarawih in congregation ibsadah ottoman defeatist answer

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