What are the names of the angels mentioned in the Quran?
11.28.2012 16:54
Is it possible for people to see the angels? Did our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) see Gabriel in his genuine appearance?
1.27.2011 23:52
What is soul? Is soul the same as life? What's soul like?
10.15.2010 22:31
How can we believe the existence of angels? Are there any proves?
10.12.2010 15:56
What can I do on Laylat-ul Qadr?
9.19.2010 13:53
While the soul is in the
body, the body is alive, when it leaves the body it dies. Since the soul leaves
the body during the sleep, does man have two souls?
6.20.2010 16:22
Does soul have any weight? Can the human
body loosing 21 grams after death be related to the weight of soul?
5.30.2010 16:19
It is said that although we are in the paradise, if we miss any our beloved ones in the hell, Allah will send angels in the appearance of them. Is it true?
5.14.2010 22:18
Male or female does everyone have a demon and an angel? Can you explain this?
3.16.2010 14:14
What does "jinn" mean? Are they good or bad? Are they also tested like human beings?
1.28.2010 18:00