Articles tagged as " arafa day "

Totally 4 articles have been tagged as " arafa day "

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Reciting 1000 Ikhlas on the Day of Arafa

What is the importance of reciting 1000 surah ikhlas on the Day of Arafa? 3.12.2011 23:09

Fasting in Dhul Hijjah

What is the importance of fasting in the first 10 days of the month Dhul Hijjah? 11.10.2010 21:31

What Is Tashrik Takbir? When Does It Start?

What is tashrik takbir? When should I start to say it? 11.9.2010 23:56

The Virtue and Significance of Arafa day (The Eve of Eid)

What is the virtues and the significance of Arafa day (The Eve of Eid) 11.25.2009 00:23


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