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prostration for forgetfulness isra significance of ramadan fortuneteller zakat to friend scriptures crack of dawn women voice in ıslam proper time for qada of witr morning of celebration fitr christmas test muslim working in pub rain prayer presence of allah nabi ghusul spirituality time of wedding in Islam gossip good morals real generosity mikael one udhiyya suffices for the household ask the deceased for help nuh marrying in the jannah results of hijra procreation whisper of satan ayahs on hajj hadrat ali zakat on fixed deposit uthman bath brilliance(lightness) sermon God knows everything qada prayer science and sleeping sunnah marriage in shaban razzaq snow rain while fasting relatives tawaf people of fatrat breaking ramadan fast intentionally duties of a wife in islam darkness prophethood zakat and solidarity shafaat zakat to friend in need zaynab trimming eyebrows women in ancient Arabia sakat al fitr to wife fasting shaban salawat the month of trouble form of Allah black dress hadrat ask a magician for help illness during fast realm of grave love mother pumpkin duties of the prophets whispers of shaitan qur'an laylat al baraat imperfect worship sharia reward feel a presence behind me ill pilgrimage misfortune in safar home surahs cat why believe in destiny qiyamah intention for ramadan 15th of rajab lailat al miraj answer to prayer islamic knowledge nafilah kaffarah for a few times masturbation during fast mecca active euthanasia meaning of ilah dwellers of grave catastrophe to apply moisturiser during fast character

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