Articles tagged as " blessed days "

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What Does “Rajab is the Month of Allah” Mean?

Rajab is the month of Allah (swt), because it is specifically associated with blessing, mercy and forgiveness. In this month Allah (swt) accepted prayers and supplications of Prophets. 6.18.2011 01:23

What are the Specialities of the Month Rajab?

Can you explain what makes the month Rajab special? Why is it important? 6.14.2011 11:57

The Importance and Virtue of the First Ten Days of Dhulhijja

Allah (swt) swears an oath on the ten days of Dhulhijjah. Besides, Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) states that: "Before Allah, worships performed on the first ten days of Dhulhijja are superior to the good deeds done in other months." 11.13.2010 09:58

Fasting in Dhul Hijjah

What is the importance of fasting in the first 10 days of the month Dhul Hijjah? 11.10.2010 21:31


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