Articles tagged as " blessing "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " blessing "

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Why Should I Get up for Sahur (last portion of the night)?

What happens if I wish to fast without doing sahur? Is there any loss? 8.28.2010 02:31

The Duties of the Prophets

For which mission did Allah (swt) send the prophets? 7.31.2009 12:40


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night prayer mukallaf heart morning of celebration reach ruku literature isra zakat for loan khorasan tattoo servant divorce mazi during fast he gregorian calendar charity injustice people of fatrat give alms necessary unlimited Muslim world conditions of hajj miser wajib cave of hira blessed nights feel Allah all the time women in Christianity is shafaah right dress hadith women wearing jeans congregational prayer four caliphs maintaining the ties of kinship addiction celebrating the mawlid get blood drawn during fast gibril verified faith ayahs about reatives bukhl impotence mystery benefits of hajj full ablution Shuaib letter responsible muslim disobey stone the devil niyyah for i’tikaf srebrenica massacre christians prayed in the masjid acceptance of imperfect worship blood transparent obey parents 15th of rajab eid wish for death types of iman the difference of sunnah tarawih ayah and hadith about shafaah ring hadiths about hajj absolute nothingness ghusl pleasure and entertainment time of wedding in Islam eating dates ayah of muharramat female education in Islam compulsory prayers loan dhulqada abandoning a muslim for three days girlfriend in Islam rain prayer compulsory daily prayers time of death to apply moisturiser during fast nabiyah one qurbani on behalf of the household iradah salat yusuf miswak while fasting feet feeding cat kalaam afterlife cutting nails during menstruation birthday od the prophet prayers not accepted for 40 days God watches us zakat in islamic civilization sidrat-ul muntaha hurry for hajj significance of ramadan

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