Articles tagged as " break the fast "

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Does the Use of Moisturisers or Creams Break the Fast?

Is the use of moisturizers or creams during Ramadan appropriate? Does it break or harm the fast? 9.26.2010 09:30


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eavesdrop how to spend the ramadan in the best way faith of parents of prophet answer to prayer join prayers Quran and thinkers dua for waswasa dar-us salaam perform prayer in unison with congregation fundamental beliefs in Islam traveller transparent son of god rabial awwal the day of arafa date of miraj neccesity of Islamic unity devil nahr supreme brotherhood disbelief shawwal or qada niyet quds celebration poorness reward for hajj iman salutation during khutba shawwal ka'ba innovation christians prayed in the masjid ramadan-ul mubarak glorify afterlife importance of sending blessings jamarat permanent tattoo medication on open wound during fast declaration of belief surah after fatiha plugging eyebrows keeping Quran in the bedroom anger abrogation inspiration asma al'husna fasahat islamic perpective on lying covenant rabbana atina hanbali iftaar masturbation during fast bosnian war groups eligible for zakat five daily prayers tarawih in different madhabs month of shaban menstruation madhab fiancee pages ummu subyan haram (forbidden things) kursy atheism kafir importance of fasting muharram civilization insulin injection angels have no gender mercy of allah barysphere safari servant placing hands in salah zakat to friend in need hurmat-i musahara shuhh intermediate state proof of god sacrifice worship changeable destiny dajjal kitaabullah shuhuru thalatha waswas envier rights of parents compulsory daily prayers cleaning listening to adhan four wives holy book sending greetings on prophet caliphs creed

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