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paraklytos ihsan compulsory daily prayers chores of the prophet stoning of the devil allah(swt) hajj is fard istihada or hayd being in an environment where there is backbiting sin-evil women's covering hand yazid cat satan mystery eid salah language of the prophets oneness message of ashura importance of fasting muharram racism skin of the qurban qadar in hadiths ill slaughter delaying zakat causing a bad deed birth niyyah for ramadan fasting deny fasting where to place hands in salah recite into ear results of hijra muhammad in bible crack of dawn prove the existence of god forgiveness of an infidel sleep hadiths about the date of miraj seth guilty wet dream while fasting benefits of quitting smoking qabah asr hadith sunnah dua for guidance affliction rabial awwal language purpose of mankind traveller elder kosovo elderly parents order of kaffarah festival dress during salah pillars of islam tawaf defending the person they are backbiting about naeem salvation bad omen in safar lawh al mahfuz smokeless fire lie as a joke seeing allah give alms superiority of shaban scale active euthanasia jama takheer barnabas proof sleeping sunnah importance of name sufficiency duty allah muslim countries zakat to nonmuslims makruhs of salah feet medication on open wound during fast creed shahadah lunar year dhulhijja kiraman katibin praying tarawih in congregation hadith of gabriel reckoning importance of sending blessings refute reancarnation two consecutive months jiin hands below the navel in salah qunut duas abrogation

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