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literature | opposite sex deeds medinan chapters lying missed witr prayer hajj is fard satan punishment maltreatment to parents women voice in ıslam relation by marriage tahqiqi iman erection providing the Muslim unity zakat and debt zakat is fitr samud duties of a wife in islam asma al’husna sexual gratification education in Islam existence of god makruh makkah sperm solutions to control sexual desires ihtilam hadith about tawba iman-i taqlidi israfel surah ask a foreteller for help fast of an ill person in ramadan oneness of god lotion during fast botox kiraman katibin maqaam breaking the fast muhammad's religion before ıslam see allah halal hadith adhan befriending nonmuslims dhimmi toilet salah on a chair desires in jannah fiancee i’tikaf attribute toys in islam returning rights to the owners hand laylatu'l qadr sacrifice worship christian chores of the prophet meaning of hajj salah belief in qadar food multiplication ill person's fasting zakat to Islamic organizations set off a slave women fasting 11th of muharram resurrection lying to amuse people wildan ısra son of god moisturiser during fast ejaculation due to look during fast time kaffarah for ramadan alawis illness during fast where is god sadaqa in ramadan kawthar alcoholic beverage day of judgement pillars of fast allah has no beginning conveyance khutba offer iftar niyyah in madhabs birth of Jesus in Quran ajal creation of universe houri tarwiya shaban al muazzam ill qur'an fasting shaban paraclytos doubt hampers faith

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