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make up during fast solutions for waswasa fasting during long days Edmond fasting during breastfeeding blessed days justice heaven sadaqah al fitr hikmah dream brotherhood in Islam dwellers of grave to endure the difficulties of long fasting dogs improvement eid'ul adha zakat and solidarity merciful sexual intercourse jizya fasting only ashura difference between quran and sunnah delaying zakat razzaq bounties of jannah fast of ramadan srebrenica genocide the old the preserved tablet qiyamah trumpet verses islamic inheritence law khorasan what is sexual intercourse sacrifice worship conscious 6666 information shirk keeping Quran in the bedroom ruh corpse of pharaoh unseen nationalism stingy Pickthall tahiyyat kalaam cleaning teeth while fasting reincarnation in Quran real generosity dua mani during fast zakat al fitr to parents arsh hadiths on sending blessings sincerity in dua to keep chastity shahadah sunnah al muakkada makruhs in toilet reason of miraj prophet muhammad moses and khidr material menstruating women visiting graveyards eve of eid impact of name on man misfortune in safar cream during fasting to know the prophet and companions duties of parents angels women in Judaism rights of a husband in Islam offer iftar butcher makkah zakat for committed money pure heart plugging eyebrows grave question qa'da muakkada Dr. Maurice Bucaille reasons of backbiting truthfulness deceased prostration for forgetfulness bible and muhammad invention guide types of sunnah praise jahannam ıshmael shortening the salah

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