Articles tagged as " calender "

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Why Does the Holy Month of Ramadan Start and End at Different Dates Every Year?

Why does the holy month of Ramadan come 10 days earlier each year? 8.26.2010 05:48


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theory of evolution iblis veil travel how long to stay in itikaf itikaf answer to prayer deeds to receive salam zakat and solidarity ayah five daily prayers importance of unity deduct debt from zakat amount following the prophet adab islamic knowledge blessed month closing eyes enemy asma al-husna Dr. Johnson men imitating women islamic perpective on lying signs of laylat al qadr essentials of tawbah fair arafa day breaking ramadan fast intentionally night of celebration shafaat congregation night unlimited signs of muhammad in bible death is good duties of the prophets divine determining qurban Quran and western thinkers scripture best way to spend Ramadan sexual intercource ignorant forgiveness commit evil earth Prof. Joe Leigh Simpson blessed days when miraj happened food multiplication miracle cutting hair during menstruation toilet manners mirror brother brushing while fasting bidah delay belief zakat ayah non-changeable destiny christianity vaccination during fast fasting under compulsion to change name love mother Maryam in Quran consept of allah humans qıyamah what breaks itikaf Prens Bismarck beloved ones jesus mentioned muhammad cream during fasting make up during fast prophet jesus (pbuh) nabiyah existence of god test grave mawa divine knowledge reaction to backbiting disobedience to parents addictive haram evilcommanding soul progress light letter fasting in old ages makruh substantial vegetable spoiled fast love of allah interrogation sexual gratification intention

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