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conditions for an accepted tawbah inheritor hadiths and ayahs proving hajj rebelling against parents world poorness prayers not accepted for 40 days the holy day of Muslims jummah supplication hussain fast during hardship perform prayer in unison with congregation sadaqa in ramadan lying to make people laugh solutions for waswas albania god and nafs ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom treasure tatol ablution human world niyyah for ramadan fasting punishment kaffarah for ramadan qurbani muslim countries salaam wife permission for polygamy ablution while fasting ummu subyan transgression Muaz Bin Jabal conscience social aspects of hajj quitting ramadan fasting hadith about kaffara shaban sending greetings on prophet prophet muhammad mikaa'eel british museum medinan chapters tarwiha relations with people of book importance of fasting ashura zakah how to calculate the zakat amount on shares bounties of jannah virtue of tarawih trade in alcohol misgiving wording trouble latin tadhiyya mother ascension losing sexual desires forgiveness martyrdom word number khidr amount of nisab night women's covering justice women in Islam adab of prayer analogy hadith duties of a wife in islam testamentary knowledge rights of a husband in Islam fasting three days before ramadan defeatist compulsory to seek knowledge unlimited society ınjil moisturiser during fast obey parents ask the deceased for help wahy holiday blessing bath IUD angels mentioned in Quran addictive harmony punishment of backbiting song name zakat al fitr to children tarawih pillars of sawm according to four madhabs pregnanct morning of celebration

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