Articles tagged as " charity "

Totally 5 articles have been tagged as " charity "

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Is It Permissible to Give Zakat-al Fitr to a Non-Muslim?

Is it obligatory to give zakat-al fitr to poor Muslims? 8.24.2011 05:09

I gave my zakah to a non Muslim, What should I do?

I gave my zakat to a man who was in need, but afterwards I learnt that he was a non-Muslim. Should I pay my zakat again? 8.6.2011 16:37

What Should We Do in the Month of Shaban?

Which worships should we perform to welcome the month of Shaban? 7.11.2012 13:49

What Are the Sunnahs of Eid?

Which sunnahs should we practice on eid day? 3.11.2011 23:12

The Most Generous Human Being: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Narrated by Anas: "The Prophet was the best, the bravest and the most generous of all the people." (Bukhari, Book 4, Hadith 74 ) 6.10.2010 08:24


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