Articles tagged as " covenant "

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Did All Souls Prostrate Allah?

It's reported that, in the realm of souls some of the souls prostrated Allah while some didn't. Is it true? Were souls subjected to a test  before coming into this world and some became rebellious while the others were obedient? 5.5.2011 20:45


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najran avail meaning of hajj disobedience to parents accomplish realm of souls food multiplication miracle fasting wedding ceremony what is sexual intercourse nahr ramadan-ul mubarak relationship through phone mercy of allah jesus mentioned muhammad how long to stay in itikaf commit a sin haram (forbidden things) ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom foreteller zakat of debtor school eid al adha destiny changes evilcommanding soul hijra maqaam performing salah sitting taraweeh sadaqa al fitr zakat for committed money miracles of muhammad animals night prayer in ramadan eid-ul adha caliphs offer iftar lying in jest wive's property in Islam the month of prophet predestination ajal semen during fast jihad in Islam misfortune in safar incest presence of allah Marmaduke last ten days of ramadan traveller love tajvid nonmuslim neighboor language of the prophets proofs of Isa returning men imitating women individual duty dogs things breaking fast pillar permissible to use miswak Jesus will come back benefits of quitting smoking urinate hijri calender niyyah for i’tikaf trade get up for sahur cream during fasting who can receive zakat israfel surgery ejaculation due to thoughts during fast beautification where is god smokeless fire ıdris ibsadah overcome jealousy tahqiqi iman proof hafsa fasting only ashura trimming eyebrows everlasting saw Allah light Loqman noor importance of istighfar question ahad close eyes during salah dead can hear groups eligible for zakat commander carriers compulsory daily prayers message of ashura tawrat muslim

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