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virtue of tarawih saw Allah impact of name on man theory of evolution plastic surgery eating the food of nonmuslims technology wearing trousers creatures in the quran authentic musailama-ı kazzab types of backbiting solutions for masturbation fall in love in ıslam rakahs of tarawih relation during engagement ask for forgiveness of people before hajj noah's flood trait compensation to break ramadan fast a few times ıslamic-law vegetable feeding poor engagement in Islam follow makkah for iftar quitting ramadan fasting dua changes fate visiting graveyard commander carriers ibsadah duties of a wife in islam verified faith qamari calendar lost of sexual desire fasting rasul feel Allah all the time mortal muharramat effects of smoking ıslam-women voice women in Quran reflection wealthy lotion during fast overcome jealousy what invalidates itikaf everlasting sincerity placing foot duties of parents ızdirari qadar dawn surahs blood dream dhimmi maltreatmant toward parents great sins importance of zakat get up for sahur iddah skin of the qurban zakat to friend four caliphs injustice christian journey zakat for reserved gold magic in ıslam Islamic belief in prophets ignorant recitation doubt allah(swt) cream during fasting kaffarah for ramadan servitude signs of laylat al qadr makruhs of salah testifying afterlife thawab wive's property in Islam kitaabullah tarawih in different madhabs ansar community scholars Ibrahim eid al adha ı am ı backbiting i’tikaf sidrat-ul muntaha not talking for three days good jinn safari time

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