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wage of the butcher qurbani christmas prostration say salam seth istinshaq while fasting time of death school of thought dawn god human being shafaat umar causing a bad deed accomplish cave of hira breastfeeding takbir bath on friday illiyyun tarwiya miracles about trees belief eid al adha reading kuran in ramadan exploration firdaws hurry for hajj zamm-i surah agent angels spouse who am ı tafseer of Surah al Najm history of hijra fast of ramadan praying in the graveyard mother of evils sadaqa in ramadan meaning of hajj brotherhood age of puberty water runs from his fingers qada prayer groups eligible for zakat demon masturbation during fast unbeliver unbeliever is destiny fixed educational methods of Muhammad fasting 10th of muharram month of allah hafsa trait halal hadith pillars of sawm according to four madhabs qasas-ul anbiya revolution deceased acceptance of dua news in bible for muhammad evidences of reincarnation eid rhetorical kafir tarwiha muhammad(pbuh) ties of kinship masturbation in ramadan fiancee slaughtering turkey private parts waswas 15th of rajab women in Islam weight of soul fasting during breastfeeding shii days forbidden to fast entitled to receive zakat women clothing in islam dress during salah rakahs of tarawih zakat for deposit sacrifice snow rain while fasting disorder saw Allah physics zakat for reserved gold christianity ıdris angels in the Quran jealousy proof of intercession azrael muhammad mentioned in bible merits of shaban brotherhood in Islam

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