Articles tagged as " date "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " date "

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How should we break our fast?

How did our Prophet (pbuh) use to break his fast? 8.30.2010 22:14

Why Does the Holy Month of Ramadan Start and End at Different Dates Every Year?

Why does the holy month of Ramadan come 10 days earlier each year? 8.26.2010 05:48


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anger miraj new year's eve worship in shaban material umm-ul kitaab difference between angels and people pillar one udhiyya for family zamm-i surah worship during itikaf commit suicide ashura day noah's flood boy girl relationship on phone telling lies nifas and hayd during fast mukallaf ramadan karem sacrifice number of verses mustahab zakat for deposit importance of ramadan brotherhood asma al’husna masturbation during fast Islamic world muhammad barnabas reward for hajj see allah omar sadaqa and fate men imitating women stop talking for three days loan black fortune telling alignment of the heels to straighten the rows hajj in ayahs and hadiths calamity depart mina early modern science blessed month long-term debt and zakat name father spirit celebration fasting of a pregnant woman inheritance rhetorical avail star covenant stolen goods refute reancarnation women voice in ıslam keep promise prophet muhammad blessing smokeless fire take soul love how to avoid haram gossip confidant with nonmuslims evidence of allah predetermination zakat is fitr night of ragaib envier 61 days a hundred holy spirit what is sexual intercourse wedding ceremony feel in the presence of Allah conveyance Jesus in Islam what to do in ramadan tenuous providing the Muslim unity example women wearing jeans fast of ashura respect hunger unintentional sins zakat to foundations spouse school of thought ask a magician for help tawaff-e ziyarat movement proper time for qada of witr sirat God watches us wujud

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