Articles tagged as " dawud "

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What are the Events That Happened on the Day of Ashura?

The Day of Ashura is almost a turning point for the world and the humanity, through the events happened on it... 12.17.2010 01:39

Which prophets were the holy books sent down to?

Which prophets were given the holy books? Which prophets were given the "suhuf" (pages)? 10.31.2012 15:17


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kaaba popular Muslim names side-effect relation during engagement human being shafi shuhh fasting six days of shawwal sincerity benefits of fasting period-delaying fasting during journey losing sexual desires fasting during long days whoever misses the asr prayer welcoming ramadan cleaning cream before salah zakat for loan sidrat-ul muntaha to break ramadan fast a few times virtues of jumuah dry ablution hafaza forbidden women for marriage attribute holiday congregation female inheritance in Islam two consecutive months balkan muslims why is quran arabic dream verse Eve in Islam 15th of rajab how miraj happened zakat to friend in need pillar placing foot predetermination intercession with ayah and hadith silaturrahim martyrdom cleaning najasa before salah solar year Ishaq prayer of an alcohol drinker osman al hiri to delay zakat age of salah ısra travel best time for wedding semen during fast rabial awwal intermediate state why facing the kaba unseen zakat to foundations junub disbeliever thanks Prophet changed bad names ramad ruku throw pebbles ask the deceased for intercession ı am ı allah eid sunnah sharani zakat al fitr to parents hadrat solomon creature world evidence of god wife the dead language of the holy books ghusul breaking fast puberty shirk in love nationalism zakat in islamic civilization kitaabullah waswas boy girl relations in Islam zoology resurrection one udhiyya suffices for the household food multiplication teacher Jesus will come back elder unmarriageable female relatives hadiths about najran to break fast intentionally ahadith

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