Articles tagged as " day of judgment "

Totally 3 articles have been tagged as " day of judgment "

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Where Is the Hell?

Does the hell exist at present? If so, where is it? 4.3.2010 13:37

How Will the Decayed Bones Be Resurrected?

Who will resurrect the rotten and decomposed bones that returned to dust? And how will He do? 1.11.2010 00:13

What Do Angels Do After Finishing Their Duties?

Gabriel was entrusted with carrying the revelation to the prophets. So what does Gabriel do now, because there are no prophets anymore? Also, will the duty of angels, like Kiraman-Katibin (honourable recorders) that are related to the humans, be ended after the day of judgment (qıyamah)? 12.7.2009 15:29


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