Articles tagged as " death "

Totally 13 articles have been tagged as " death "

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Living in the State of Ihsan Leads to Passing Away With Iman

Sunnah and Ihsan-4 5.22.2011 17:25

The Beautiful Aspect of Death

It is said that Alalh has made everything He has created good. Then, what kind of a beauty is there in dearth which hurts hearts with the sorrow of separation? 11.26.2010 00:20

Does believing in the hereafter do us any good in terms of family life?

I'd like to give a few examples to show how believing in the hereafter affects the man's point of view and forms the intentions in his heart. 10.8.2010 23:31

Does Soul Leave the Body During Sleep?

While the soul is in the body, the body is alive, when it leaves the body it dies. Since the soul leaves the body during the sleep, does man have two souls? 6.20.2010 16:22

Does Soul Have Any weight?

Does soul have any weight? Can the human body loosing 21 grams after death be related to the weight of soul? 5.30.2010 16:19

Is Euthanasia Permissible?

Is euthanasia permissible? Is euthanasia considered suicide? Do people committing suicide go to hell? Is it permissible to wish for death in Islam? 4.11.2010 13:20

Is Euthanasia Permissible?

Is euthanasia permissible? Is euthanasia considered suicide? Do people committing suicide go to hell? 4.11.2010 12:50

Is Euthanasia Permissible?

Is euthanasia permissible? Is euthanasia considered suicide? Do people committing suicide go to hell?   4.6.2010 13:24

Does Free-will Effect Death?

How much is the effect of human will on death? What is the share of destiny on our death time? 1.19.2011 20:13

Does free will have any effect on time of death?

Is death time fixed or can it be changed? For example, by smoking do we shorten our life span? Or do we lengthen it by taking care of our health? 2.23.2010 13:53

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