Articles tagged as " devils "

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What is “jinn” ?

What does "jinn" mean? Are they good or bad? Are they also tested like human beings? 1.28.2010 18:00


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the preserved tablet makruhs of salah allah devils period movement minor sin new muslim changes name elderly parents expiation of masturbation while fasting language of the holy books relation during engagement nuh eid prayer asma al'husna tahiyyat karbala tawbah wali blessed days intention dolls creation of time bida-i hasana keeping Quran in the bedroom human model bathroom qa'da tatol ablution eternity hadrat solomon hand eternal hairdresser Dr. Johnson newborn Islam's view on women niyet Islam and racisim hypocrisy mawlid al nabi ashura day meccan chapters tarwiha worship in shaban tarawih in different madhabs mercy mother of evils paradox forgiveness of an infidel joseph suffering ask for forgiveness manners of i’tikaf khutba fast of an ill person in ramadan home colour of fire love madhabs creature lawh al mahw wa ithbat messenger salah is the pillar of islam qamari calendar hairless marital activity invalidating fast noor kiram al katibin reach ruku shirk defending the person they are backbiting about ignorant water benefits of hajj ajb al-zanab ruyatullah kiraman katibin does dua change fate makruh salat hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj lailatul qadr purpose of mankind bidah delay breaking the fast hajj in ayahs and hadiths importance of unity real generosity psalms pagan school pillars of sawm according to four madhabs our beloved prophet’s routine affairs lying in jest he gregorian calendar sajdah sahw marital relations eligible for zakat Prophet changed bad names

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